

Original price was: Rs.996.00.Current price is: Rs.829.00.

Aroby Granules Benefits :-

  • Stimulate the circulatory, nervous & respiratory system
  • it enhances stamina and well being
  • Anemia
  • Increases muscular power
  • Malnutrition
  • Suitable Nutritional Supplement for all age group
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Aroby Granules:-   Build body resistance & Stamina to fight common ailments

  • Zee Laboratories 
  • 200 gm. Tifin. With Well Box Pack
Maximum Shelf Life
  • 36 Months
Medicine Standard
  • Grade Standard
Medicine Type
  • Ayurvedic
  • Aroby Granules Increases muscular power, malnutrition, Anemia
Ideal For
  • Men & Women
 Packaging Type
  • Powder
  • Add 2 – Heaped teaspoons of Aroby Granules to a cup of hot milk Add Sugar according to the taste


Impressive Ingredients List :- Aswagandha,Satavari,Safed musli, Mumjatak,Tal Makhana, Bala Sida Cordifolia, Punarnava, Vidari Kand, Amla,Abrak Basam, Sudh Shelajeeet.

Importance For Every Ingredients :- 

1)Satavari :-

  • Antioxidant. The shatavari root produces three antioxidants: racemofuran, asparagamine A, and racemosol. 
  • Antiviral. 
  • Boost immune system. 
  • Ulcer treatment. 
  • Supports lactation. 
  • Hormone balancing. .
  • Reduce symptoms of menopause.

2) Safed Musli :-

Safed Musli is considered as an important medicinal herb. It is known as a rejuvenator, a vitalizer and a health tonic. It can be used for the improvement of health as it restores immunity, reduces symptoms of arthritis and diabetes and is also a potent aphrodisiac

3) Mumjatak :-phrodisiac, Nervine Tonic, Nutritive Astringent, Refrigerant, Diuretic, Antihelminthic, Antidiarrhoeal  Indication: Salabmisri is used in Sexual weakness, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Tuberculosis, Strangury, Syphilis, Cephalgia, Otalgia and Helminthiasis 

4)Punarnava:- helps to correct digestive fire and reduce Ama due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also has Vata balancing and Mutral (diuretic) properties which gives relief from the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis like pain and swelling in the joints.

5)Vidarikand helps in managing Stomach inflammation (gastritis) due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It helps in reducing pain and inflammation in the stomach by reducing the production of certain inflammation-causing chemicals.

6) Amla :-

  • Boosts immunity. Amla is a rich source of polyphenols and vitamin C, which help support digestion and strengthen immune functioning. 
  • Purifies blood. 
  • Regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Improves Digestion. 
  • Good for mental health. 
  • Helps in hair growth. 
  • Maintains healthy skin.

7) Loha Bhasma:- is widely used in Ayurveda and it is a product of calcined iron. It strengthens the body and improves the production of RBCs. The person who suffers from loss of blood suffers from the consequences like pale skin, hair fall, loss of memory, panic attacks, fatigue etc.

8)Abhrak bhasma :-is used for improving digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) property. Abhrak bhasma helps in getting rid of cough and cold, chest congestion breathlessness, excessive cough due to its Kapha balancing property

9) Sudh Shilajit :-contains fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals , so it offers numerous health benefits. It can function as an antioxidant to improve your body’s immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to remove excess fluid from your body.

Why Aroby Granules :-

  • Aroby Granules is rich in amla Ashwagandha and various nutritional herbs and trace minerals which helps build body resistance against common ailments like cough, cold and promotes all round physical and mental health. An excellent round the year ayurvedic tonic for all ages specially for growing children
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Original price was: Rs.996.00.Current price is: Rs.829.00.
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