This Exoderm Cream from the house of Exoderm is prepared using hand picked ingredients and it is in Cream form in White color. It comes in 30 g Pack. It has no side effects and gives desired result for :-
-Skin eruption, burning section, ringworm and itching.
Tankan lahi 200 mg Shudha Gandhak 100 mg
Yashada bhasma 100 mg Gandhapurav Taila 200 mg
Neem Taila 100 mg Karanj Taila 100 mg
Nilathota 100 mg Fitkari 100 mg
Kapura 50 mg Ajwain Sat 50 mg
Cream Base Q.S
Eczema, Ringworm, itching, scabies , boils , septic wounds , skin eruptions, burning sensation & other skin infections.
Clean affected aria & apply EXODERM liberally to from a thin layer. Bandaging may be done if required. Apply 9-4 times a day.