Controls blood sugar level
In Ayurveda, Giloy is known as a ‘Madhunashini’ which means ‘destroyer of sugar’. It helps to enhance the production of insulin which ultimately controls the blood sugar levels. Giloy is also useful for diabetes complications like ulcers, kidney problems.
Boosts immunity
This activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person.
Reduces stress and anxiety
Giloy is an excellent remedy to reduce mental stress and anxiety. It calms down your body. Giloy also has the power to enhance memory and cognitive functions.
Treats arthritis and gout
Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties which help to reduce arthritis and gout.
Giloy for chronic fever
Giloy acts wonderfully in chronic, recurrent fevers. It is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic herb which helps to boost your immunity to fight against the infection and also helps in early recovery. Giloy has a Javarghana (antipyretic) property to reduce fever.
Giloy for dengue fever
Giloy is an antipyretic herb. It improves platelet count in dengue fever and reduces the chances of complications. Regular intake of Giloy helps to improve immunity during dengue and also for a speedy recovery.
Giloy for Corona-virus infection
Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Giloy can cure corona infection it can raise your immunity to fight against it.