

Original price was: Rs.592.00.Current price is: Rs.493.00.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout
  • Xyfer Syrup :- A natural blood purifier
  • Zee Laboratories
  • 200 Ml. With Well Box Pack
Maximum Shelf Life
  • 36 Months
Medicine Standard
  • Grade Standard
Medicine Type
  • Ayurvedic
  • Xyfer Syrup Blood Purifier, For Skin diseas
Ideal For
  • Men & Women
 Packaging Type
  • Plastic Bottle
  • 1 to 2 teaspoonful thrice a day


Impressive Ingredient list :- Majistha,Anant Mool, Gorak Mundi,Neem,Siriss, Kalmeg,Daruhiridra,Chopchini,Aragwad,Giloy, Vidang,Rakt Chandan,

Importance For Every Ingredient :-

1)Manjistha :- is an effective herb to promote healthy liver function. This is because it helps to improve the digestive fire that makes digestion easy and reduces the load on the liver. Manjistha also has a property of Raktashodhak (blood purifier) and Pitta balancing that helps to purify blood and improve liver functions.

2) Anant Mool :-As a Pitta pacifying herb, it is used widely in India to support healthy skin. Anantmool extract helps to even out the skin tone and smoothen out the texture, it also acts as natural cleanser to add glow to the skin.

3) Neem :-

  • Treats acne. The antibacterial properties of neem fight acne-causing bacteria, which helps in the treatment and prevention of acne. 
  • Pacify irritated skin. 
  • Fight signs of ageing. 
  • Tackles blackheads and whiteheads.

4) Siriss

  • Curtails anxiety and stress. 
  • Helps with depression symptoms. 
  • Sound sleep. 
  • Respiratory ailments. 
  • Acts as antioxidant.
  • Healthy skin.
  • Digestive health.

5)Kalmegh:-  might be beneficial in the management of skin diseases. It has antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has blood purifying activity. Together, Kalmegh might be useful in managing skin eruptions, boils and scabies.

6) Daruharidra :-is mainly beneficial for skin problems like inflammation and psoriasis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-psoriatic activity. It helps in managing acne by preventing the growth of acne causing bacteria and reducing inflammation due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

7) Giloy :-is also attributed with anti-ageing properties. It can help in combating pimples, dark spots, and fine lines. Apart from that, as per Ayurveda, Giloy is placed in vyah-sthapan group that is believed to possess anti-aging properties that may be helpful in reducing wrinkles and providing a naturally glowing skin.

8)Rakta Chandana:- or the red sandalwood is one of the finest ingredients for your skin. … It is primarily used for skin care and beauty purposes. It is very effective in reducing blemishes and treating acne. It also helps in the removal of sun tan and dullness because of its cooling properties.

Why Xyfer Syrup:-

Xyfer Syrup is a wonderful remedy for blood purification and hence Cures all kind of skin diseases. It also roots out toxaemia. 

  • For Skin Diseas
  • For the treament of acne
  • For prevention of sepsis of wound
  • All kind of allergies
  • All kind of skin diseases, Pimples, Itching
  • Summer boil, Wounds and cuts


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Original price was: Rs.592.00.Current price is: Rs.493.00.
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